Korean + English = Konglish Baby

Before baby comes...
...learning Korean and researching Korean-language resources in order to raise baby as a bilingual.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Baby's First 100 words in Korean

Do you think that the first 100 words that the Korean baby learns is the same as the first 100 words that the American baby learns?

I've been trying to do some google searches for a list of the Korean baby's first 100 words.  I thought it would be a good starting point.
I came across this great audio book: Baby's First Words in Chinese (newborn to 2 years old) but would love to find it in Korean.
Then I came across a scholarly article that studied the content of a baby's first words in English, Chinese and Cantonese, which said a lot of things I didn't understand, but I sorta get what they're saying here:
... although one cannot make generalities at the level of word class (e.g., children learn nouns or verbs), one can make generalities within word classes— children learn terms to describe people (whether kinship terms or individual names), concrete, manipulable object nouns, action verbs, and so on. In all three languages, the common nouns that children learned were manipulable objects that children encountered in their homes, or animals, rather than larger household objects or outside things
Finally, I have been coming across of lots of resources for the native Korean speaker trying to teach their child English.  My impression is that many Korean parents are also gungho about setting up their children for success by starting them early on learning English AND Mandarin Chinese. So there are books, websites, apps, DVDs, CDs, etc, that teach English to Korean speakers, which I would imagine works the other way...teaching Korean to English speakers.

This Korean parenting website tells parents that baby's who know a lot of words in English will be the final victor in the fight.  (Fight against what...I'm not sure!).  They advise parents to teach their children vocab words by topic instead of word by word.  Here's the words they offer:

◎ 신체부위
 body    몸
 hands  손
 legs     다리
 face     얼굴
 mouth   입
 ears     귀
 teeth    이
 feet      발
 nose    코
 eyes    눈

◎ 음식
apple    사과
 potato   감자
 carrot   당근
 egg      달걀
 bread   빵
 cake    케이크
candy    사탕
 milk      우유
 water   물

◎ 사람~가족
 baby    아기
 boy      소년
 girl       소녀
 brother 남자형제
 sister   여자형제
mother   어머니
 father   아버지
 man     남자
 woman 여자

◎ 동물
 bear     곰
 cat       고양이
 cow     소
 dog      개
 elephant           코끼리
 fish      물고기
 fox       여우
 horse   말
 lion      사자
 monkey 원숭이
 pig       돼지
 rabbit   토끼

◎ 행동
 eat       먹다
 sleep   자다
 go        가다
 come    오다
 stand   서다
 sit        앉다
 run       뛰다
 walk     걷다
 cry       울다
 dance  춤추다
 drink    마시다
 listen    듣다
 look     보다
 read     읽다
 speak   말하다
 swim    수영하다
 watch   보다
 write    쓰다

◎ 탈것
airplane 비행기
 boat     보트
 bus      버스
 car       자동차
 ship     배
 train     기차
taxi       택시

◎ 의복
clothes  옷
 dress   원피스
 hat       모자
 shirt     티셔츠
 glasses            안경
socks    양말
 skirt     치마
 pants   바지

◎ 주변 사물
balloon  풍선
 ball      공
 bed      침대
 clock    시계
 doll      인형
 door     문
fork       포크
 spoon  숟가락
 table    탁자
 telephone         전화기
 window            창문

◎ 자연
flower    꽃
 grass   풀
 moon    달
 sun      해
 rain      비
 mountain           산
 river     강
snow    눈
 star      별
 tree      나무

◎ 시간
morning 아침
 night    밤
 afternoon          오후
 month   달
 time      시간
 week    일주일 


  1. What about the roman alphabet pronunciation?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thank You! This is perfect just as is.

  4. Thank you!!! This is just what I was looking for.
